Friday, January 6, 2017

Year 7, Day 6: Genesis 6

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Gen 6 gives us more of the same as Genesis 5.  We open with a lament from God.  He regrets putting mankind on earth.  God knows that mankind is sinful.  In fact, notice the verbiage that the Bible actually uses.  God knows that human hearts have evil desires continuously.  It isn’t that we occasionally make the wrong choice.  Our problem is that we are continuously making the wrong choice.  Our hearts are always after evil.  Therefore, God regrets that He created human beings within His creation.

That’s a really bold thing to say.  Ponder that for a while.  God regrets putting humanity on the earth.

However, as we learned yesterday, we see that God sticks it out with us.  While He does have regret, that’s not His strongest emotion.  God plans to blot out all life on the earth, but He hangs out with the loyal ones.  He seeks the righteous, even in His moments of regret!  God could have easily eliminated humanity and been righteous.  But He doesn’t do that.  He finds a righteous remnant and starts over with Noah.  He gives second chances.  He would rather reach out in hope and give another chance than to fully condemn and walk away.

Ponder that for a while.  God may have His regrets about humanity.  But He loves us and desires relationship with us even more.


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